Skin Cancer Treatment
Providing Skin Cancer Treatment in Santa Clarita, CA
As the most common cancer in humans, skin cancer affects more than one million Americans every year. The good news is, skin cancer is very treatable when diagnosed early, making early detection crucial. For this reason, it’s essential to complete regular self-examinations of your skin and see a doctor if you notice any changes or abnormalities. Faces Cosmetic Lasers Center is here to provide diagnosis and skin cancer treatment in Santa Clarita, CA. We’ll be able to accurately diagnose and categorize your skin cancer, which will help us provide the best treatment and follow up care to prevent any ongoing health problems. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our professional team.

Types of Skin Cancers
Most skin cancers fall within one of three different categories: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Our team will be able to take a look at your skin abnormality and determine whether it falls within one of these categories or whether it is harmless. Continue reading to learn more about each type of skin cancer.
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer and is also the easiest to treat. Treatment usually consists of surgical removal of the cancerous cells. These harmful cells begin to grow when a person is overexposed to UVB radiation, which damages the skin’s natural repair system. Basal cell carcinomas are often slow-growing and do not usually metastasize or spread. Those most at risk for this type of cancer include:
- Individuals with fair skin
- Those with prolonged periods of sun exposure
- Older individuals (most skin cancers occur over the age of 50)
- Individuals with exposure to ultraviolet radiation (usually from tanning beds)
- Those with exposure to therapeutic radiation, given to treat an unrelated health issue
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinomas are found in the upper layer of the epidermis and most frequently occur on the scalp, face, and ears, as well as the back of the hands. However, they can develop anywhere, even inside the mouth or on the genitalia. As with any other form of skin cancer, it is diagnosed through a biopsy, either taking the entire growth at once for testing or removing a portion of it. These types of cells are most likely to occur in fair-skinned, middle-aged, or elderly individuals who have a history of sun exposure. They can also develop for actinic keratoses, which are dry, scaly lesions. The following signs can identify squamous cell carcinomas:
- A crusty or scaly patch of skin with an inflamed, red base
- Patches of skin that are tender to the touch
- Rough and leathery lesions that are flesh-colored, reddish-brown, or yellow-black
Though melanoma is the least common type of skin cancer, it is often the most dangerous, as it can rapidly spread to the lymph system. Melanomas look like moles, presenting themselves as dark brown or black spots on the skin. They often even grow inside existing moles. For this reason, it’s essential to keep an eye on any existing moles on your skin and look for any changes in growth. Early detection of melanoma is absolutely critical in order to cure this type of skin cancer. Treatment for melanoma ranges from surgical removal of the growth to radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
Early Detection is Key
When it comes to any type of skin cancer, early detection is key to curing the disease and preventing further health concerns. This could mean the difference between catching the problem before it spreads and being too late. That’s why the American Academy of Dermatology has developed an ABCDE guide to aid individuals in identifying moles that may become cancerous. Look for the following signs:
- Asymmetry: One half of the mole does not match the other half in size, shape, or color.
- Border: The edges of the mole are irregular or blurred.
- Color: The mole is not the same color throughout its entirety.
- Diameter: The mole is larger than one-quarter inch in diameter.
- Elevation: The mole is elevated or raised from the skin.
Contact Us for a Checkup
Are you concerned about the appearance of one or more moles on your body? This is not a concern you should wait to address. Contact Faces Cosmetic Lasers Center as soon as possible to schedule a checkup. We’ll be able to examine any abnormalities and determine whether they require further treatment. Get in touch with us today and put your health first.